The T-305E high voltage surge generator, is used for locating high impedance and flashing faults on distribution cables. It works in conjunction with a cable fault locator for pre-locating the fault position and then with a pinpointer to find the precise fault location. It is applicable for different cable fault location techniques, such as the impulse current method (ICM) and the secondary/multiple impulse method (SIM/MIM).
The equipment can deliver up to 32kV with either 1024J or 2048J of energy. It consists of a capacitor bank, an in-built voltage transformer and a rectifier, switchable to achieve different capacitance and voltage levels. When the unit is switched-off, its automatic and manual discharge facilities removes any residual capacitive charge. Additional circuitry blocks the operation of the unit if an effective Earth/Ground connection is not in place. These features, together with safety interlocking, ensure safe, reliable and easy-to-use operation.
The T-305E also provides repetitive discharges pinpointing to facilitate pinpointing through the detection of the magnetic field and audio signals related to the fault discharging.
- Surge energy up to 1024J (2048J optional)
- Supports the following impulse methods:
- Secondary Impulse method (SIM)
- Multiple Impulse Method (MIM)
- Impulse Current Method (ICM)
- Manual and automatic capacitor discharge